The Salem and Beverly Water Supply Board is aware that many Salem residents (and some Beverly residents) have been experiencing discolored water. In an effort to provide transparency, the above photo represents the water currently leaving the filtration plant into the distribution system for both Beverly and Salem.
The “raw water” is water pumped directly from Wenham Lake and has had no treatment of any kind.
The “filtered water” is treated water that is sent out to consumers.
Water currently being sent out of the filtration plant to consumers is clear and meets all regulations.
Factors that can contribute to discolored water are construction, paving, and other street work in the area, opening of hydrants for use in fighting fires (brush or otherwise), water main breaks, and flushing of hydrants. This can disturb iron or manganese that may have settled in the pipes, and even a small amount of these elements can contribute to discolored water.
If you are experiencing discolored water, try running your cold water from the lowest point in your home, or your outdoor spicket, until it runs clear.
In the meantime, refrain from, or take caution with washing white/light colored clothing, and do not add bleach, as it can activate the iron and make it more difficult to remove. Wait until your water is clearer to wash light colored clothing. Darker clothing should not be affected. If you have had any staining issues with your light clothing, you can try using “Red be Gone” which is available at Amazon.com, to potentially remove any staining.
The Water Board will continue to update here if there are any changes.